Monday, 16 November 2009

Model Building Tarka I

We have been set the challenge of redesigning the hull for Team Tarka. The rules of the competition mean that the hull must be optimised to fit somewhere between being really efficient at low speeds (for the endurance event) and being really efficient at high speeds (sprint event). These two cases require a hullform with completely different features.

Before we start designing the new boat, we need to get a better idea of the performance of last years boat. We want to get some accurate data from some towing tank tests.

To do this, first we need to build a completely accurate scale model of last years hull.

We started by getting some frames (bulkheads) laser cut from 4mm thick marine grade plywood. These form the basis of the model and ensure that the shape of the hull is accurate.

The next challenge was to glue even thinner plywood (1.8mm) to the frames to form the hull of the boat. This took a suprising amount of time! Once the strips were glued on, they were faired - so much sanding...

The finished hull was then ready for a thin layer of GRP and painting - more sanding!

The boat then went on a major weight loss regime, losing most of the longitudinal (fore-aft) structure and all the bulkheads were cut down.

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